"When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in B&W, you photograph their souls! "

~Ted Grant

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Daughters 3 yr. old Photo Session....

Ok so......I'm sure most of you know what it's like to take your children to go get their pictures done! Well, me being the "Mom" and "Photographer" is never an easy task!

My daughter has a love/hate relationship with the camera, and this day was definitely her OFF day!!! She was soo excited at first...of course, and then flipped out the minute the car stopped and I said.."ok baby girl, let's go take your pictures!!"

I had no smiles for 170 pictures that I took. Then I remembered...wait a minute......we bought McDonald's on the way to our shoot, but I wanted to do the session first before she made a mess of herself. SO then, it hit me.............I said..."guess what mommy got you with your happy meal??? EXTRA PICKLES!!!!" All of a sudden the smiles were coming out left and right, and FINALLY I was able to get some good shots.

Here are a few....

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